WELCOME“tool-kitPROFESSIONAL...the software solution for experts
6.1 Basic Modul Drills (BMENU)
•Work Piece:2 or 3 teeth1 – 5 Steps•Cutting Edge Combination:right helix/right cutleft helix/left cut•Produktion / Regrinding:Production by different infeed (several steps)•Regrinding with calculation of removal ength, periphery and rake.•Regrinding, finishing with different wheels•Preparation:SeparationProfile roughingProfile finishing•Point:StandardSplit point2-facet point4-facet point6-facet pointDelta – pointM – pointKevlar – pointCentring pointMilling end face•2nd Chamfer:Optional: 2nd chamfer •1st Web Thinning:Correction of main cutting edgeCorrection of chisel edgeS-web thinning (incl. Sumitomo like)Free constructed notchings / corrections•2nd Web Thinning:Correction of main cutting edgeCorrection of chisel edge •Main Fluting:Meas. definition: Point-/ normal cutGrind. direction: Forward / backwardOptional spark out grindingSeparated fluting per step•Periphery:Radial grinding / Round grindingTransverse/longitudinal positioningLinear relief: 1./2. relief angle•Steps:Standard step (axial/radial relief angle)Step aperture angle: 45 - 200°Linear relief step (aperture angle 170°)•Chip Breaker:1 or 2 chip breakers per tooth•SimulationSimulation of intersection at all operationsWheel/workpiece-simulationMachining simulation•Production from standard- to step drill:Special measurement and calculation program•Chamfering at cutting edge of S- and RGR-Web Thinning•Chamfering at cutting edge of flute:Chamfer AngleChamfer Width
6.2 Subland Drills
6.3 S-Point
6.4 Woodworking tools
•Specification according to Standard-/Stepping Drills Secondary Fluting •Defined rotation against main fluting •Tool: 6010017 „Subland drill“
•Tool: 6050017 „Radius drill (Gühring KG)“•Exclusive Gühring KG
•Tool: 6060017•Basic modul
•Tool: 6070017•Basismodule
•Tool: 6080017 „Dowel drill“•Basic modul + option woodworking tools
6.5 MTS-GIGA-Drill
•S-Point:2- and 3-teeth•Tool 6020017 „Drill S-Point“
•Drill for woodworking:•Pin-drill•Forstner-Drill•Tool: 6030017
•Special point with 4 teeth / flutes: •There are 4 main cutting edges, each including a 4-facet-points and a 4-facet-chamfer, splitted into two groups. The main group is constructed by a typical 4-facet-point while the secondary group is done by shortened teeth. (like a end mill tool with 2-to-center-geometry).•The two-stepped Giga-Drill is like a typical subland-drill-geometry.•Tool 6040017 „GIGA-Drill“
“tool-kitPROFESSIONAL...the software solution for experts”
ADRESSVOLLMER WERKE Maschinenfabrik GmbHMTSInnovationszentrum Freiburg (FRIZ)Georges-Köhler-Allee 30279110 Freiburg
•Tool: 6050017 „Radiusbohrer (Gühring KG)“•Exclusive Gühring KG
•Tool: 6060017•Basic Modul
•Tool: 6070017•Basic modul
•Tool 6080017•Basic modul + option woodworking tools
1.1 Basic Modul Drills (BMENU)
6.2 Subland Drills
•Specification according to Standard-/Stepping Drills Secondary Fluting •Defined rotation against main fluting •Tool: 6010017 „Subland drill“
6.3 S-Point
6.4 Woodworking Tools
•S-Point:2- and 3-teeth•Werkzeug: 6020017 6.1 Basic Drills + 6.3 S-Point
•Drills for woodworking:•Pin-Drills•Forstner-Drill•Tool: 6030017
6.5 MTS-GIGA-Drill
•Special point with 4 teeth / flutes: •There are 4 main cutting edges, each including a 4-facet-points and a 4-facet-chamfer, splitted into two groups. The main group is constructed by a typical 4-facet-point while the secondary group is done by shortened teeth. (like a end mill tool with 2-to-center-geometry).•The two-stepped Giga-Drill is like a typical subland-drill-geometry.•Tool: 6040017 6.1 Basic Drillsr + 6.5 GIGA
•Work Piece:2 or 3 teeth1 – 5 Steps•Cutting Edge Combination:right helix/right cutleft helix/left cut•Produktion / Regrinding:Production by different infeed (several steps)•Regrinding with calculation of removal ength, periphery and rake.•Regrinding, finishing with different wheels•Preparation:SeparationProfile roughingProfile finishing•Point:StandardSplit point2-facet point4-facet point6-facet pointDelta – pointM – pointKevlar – pointCentring pointMilling end face•2nd Chamfer:Optional: 2nd chamfer •1st Web Thinning:Correction of main cutting edgeCorrection of chisel edgeS-web thinning (incl. Sumitomo like)Free constructed notchings / corrections•2nd Web Thinning:Correction of main cutting edgeCorrection of chisel edge •Main Fluting:Meas. definition: Point-/ normal cutGrind. direction: Forward / backwardOptional spark out grindingSeparated fluting per step•Periphery:Radial grinding / Round grindingTransverse/longitudinal positioningLinear relief: 1./2. relief angle•Steps:Standard step (axial/radial relief angle)Step aperture angle: 45 - 200°Linear relief step (aperture angle 170°)•Chip Breaker:1 or 2 chip breakers per tooth•SimulationSimulation of intersection at all operationsWheel/workpiece-simulationMachining simulation•Production from standard- to step drill:Special measurement and calculation program•Chamfering at cutting edge of S- and RGR-Web Thinning•Chamfering at cutting edge of flute:Chamfer AngleChamfer Width